35°51.948' N 014°34.530' E
35°51'57" N 014°34'32" E
P33 on entinen partioalus, joka oli tarkoitus upottaa joko Marsaskalaan tai Gozon pohjoisrannikolle sukelluskohteeksi hylkysukeltajille. Lopulta se upotettiin hinaajahylkyjen väliin Marsaskalaan 31.7.2021. Hylky ei kestänyt pitkään luonnonvoimien myllerrystä matalalla hiekkapohjalla ja se onkin jo hajonnut useaan osaan.
P33 on Bremse-luokan alus, joka rakennettiin vuosina 1971-72 Itä-Saksassa. Se on noin 23 m pitkä, 5 m leveä ja 7 m korkea masto mukaan lukien. P33 myytiin Maltalle vuonna 1992 yhdessä sisaraluksensa P32 sekä kahden Kondor-luokan partioveneen P30 ja P31 kanssa. P33 palveli partioaluksena Maltan asevoimien rannikkolaivueessa, kunnes se poistettiin käytöstä vuonna 2005.
Lisätietoja sukelluskohteesta P33
Times of Malta: Patrol boat to be scuttled (3rd March 2012)
Environmental Planning Statement (April 2016)
![Condition after one winter [Arkadiusz Srebnik] Condition after one winter [Arkadiusz Srebnik]](https://images.maltadives.com/uploads/1-803-749.jpg)
![P33 wreck just before she was scuttled in Marsaskala [Max Valli] P33 wreck just before she was scuttled in Marsaskala [Max Valli]](https://images.maltadives.com/uploads/1-803-723.jpg)
![Condition after one winter [Arkadiusz Srebnik] Condition after one winter [Arkadiusz Srebnik]](https://images.maltadives.com/uploads/1-803-750.jpg)
![Condition after one winter [Arkadiusz Srebnik] Condition after one winter [Arkadiusz Srebnik]](https://images.maltadives.com/uploads/1-803-748.jpg)
![Condition after one winter [Arkadiusz Srebnik] Condition after one winter [Arkadiusz Srebnik]](https://images.maltadives.com/uploads/1-803-747.jpg)
![Condition after one winter [Arkadiusz Srebnik] Condition after one winter [Arkadiusz Srebnik]](https://images.maltadives.com/uploads/1-803-746.jpg)
![Condition after one winter [Arkadiusz Srebnik] Condition after one winter [Arkadiusz Srebnik]](https://images.maltadives.com/uploads/1-803-745.jpg)
![P33 condition after 6 months [Sergey Markov] P33 condition after 6 months [Sergey Markov]](https://images.maltadives.com/uploads/1-803-734.jpg)
![P33 condition after 6 months [Sergey Markov] P33 condition after 6 months [Sergey Markov]](https://images.maltadives.com/uploads/1-803-735.jpg)
![ [Matjaz Repnik] [Matjaz Repnik]](https://images.maltadives.com/uploads/15-803-936.jpg)
![ [Matjaz Repnik] [Matjaz Repnik]](https://images.maltadives.com/uploads/15-803-935.jpg)
![ [Matjaz Repnik] [Matjaz Repnik]](https://images.maltadives.com/uploads/15-803-934.jpg)
![P33 condition after 6 months [Sergey Markov] P33 condition after 6 months [Sergey Markov]](https://images.maltadives.com/uploads/1-803-733.jpg)
Kommentit ja arvostelut
★★★★☆ Lovely place to visit it, since is wreck in between two old one, is worth to visit it. A lot of fish, small penetration and more than one hour long dive ;)
★★☆☆☆ Small Wreck with almost always mediocre visibility. The wreck is very small but at least it has some penetration opportunities. From the 3 wrecks in the area, it is the better one. Wreck is at a max depth of around 20m and is sitting upright slightly tilted to the starboard.
★★★★☆ BEtter viz would be better but it's good site, an alternative to Cirkewwa on bad weather days
Lyhyt osoite: https://maltadives.com/803