36°01.560' N 014°12.480' E
36°01'34" N 014°12'29" E
Phoenician shipwreck is located outside Xlendi Bay on the southwest coast of Gozo at a depth of 110 metres, and is about 2700 years old. The wreck was discovered in 2007 from sonar data during an offshore remote sensing survey and has been explored and studied ever since. Phoenician shipwreck consists of a mixed cargo datable to the 7th century BC, including stone and ceramic objects like grinding stones and amphorae.
Phonecian wreck is one of the specific wrecks around Malta which are not available to the public.
Phoenician Shipwreck Expedition videos
More info about Phoenician Shipwreck dive site
Comments and Ratings
★★★★★ Very nice and unique site. Fantastic recording on the site has been carried out by Heritage Malta (UCHU): https://underwatermalta.org/discover/phoenician-shipwreck/
Short url here: https://maltadives.com/7919