12m (keskim.), 100+m (maksimi)
Pääsy rannasta
36.0157° N 14.2795° E (lähistöllä)
36°00.942' N 014°16.770' E
36°00'57" N 014°16'46" E
36°00.942' N 014°16.770' E
36°00'57" N 014°16'46" E
★★★★ (4 arvostelua)
Ras il Hobz, tunnetaan myös nimellä Middle Finger, on yli 40 m syvyydestä 10 m korkeuteen nouseva vedenalainen kivipilari. Huippu houkuttelee paljon merielämää kuten erilaisia kaloja, rapuja ja koralleja. Rantaviiva viettää alaspäin yli 80 metriin, mutta kiinnostavien osien näkemiseen riittää enintään 25 m. Paikkaa käytetään tekniikkasukelluksen harjoitteluun, koska siinä pääsee tarpeeksi syvälle rannasta.
![Falls [Pascal Pardoux] Falls [Pascal Pardoux]](
![Marine falls [Pascal Pardoux] Marine falls [Pascal Pardoux]](
![Sealife around Middle Finger [Matjaz Repnik] Sealife around Middle Finger [Matjaz Repnik]](
![Moray Eel [Pascal Pardoux] Moray Eel [Pascal Pardoux]](
![Technical diver at the Middle Finger [Matjaz Repnik] Technical diver at the Middle Finger [Matjaz Repnik]](
![The views [Matjaz Repnik] The views [Matjaz Repnik]](
![Sealife around Middle Finger [Matjaz Repnik] Sealife around Middle Finger [Matjaz Repnik]](
Kommentit ja arvostelut
Kirjaudu sisään tai rekisteröidy niin voit kommentoida ja arvostella kohteita.
Pascal Pardoux, marraskuu 2023:
★★★★★ Amazing dive around a marine summit whose tip is located at a depth of -8m and which can descend to more than -80m - Parking difficult to access in rainy weather - Easy launching
★★★★★ Amazing dive around a marine summit whose tip is located at a depth of -8m and which can descend to more than -80m - Parking difficult to access in rainy weather - Easy launching
Adam Sant, lokakuu 2020:
★★★☆☆ Lots of colorful sponges in the deeper part of the pinnacle. Not too much too see, but sea life is good when there is some current.
★★★☆☆ Lots of colorful sponges in the deeper part of the pinnacle. Not too much too see, but sea life is good when there is some current.
Matjaz Repnik, lokakuu 2017:
★★★★★ Until now best position in Gozo in meaning of a lot of Fishes. Especialy one Tuna was all time swimming around us. It was good feeling like listen one good rock song ;)
★★★★★ Until now best position in Gozo in meaning of a lot of Fishes. Especialy one Tuna was all time swimming around us. It was good feeling like listen one good rock song ;)
Mika Tanninen, huhtikuu 2015:
★★★★☆ I like the pinnacle. Easy dive to plan and some times there is plenty of fish around the area.
★★★★☆ I like the pinnacle. Easy dive to plan and some times there is plenty of fish around the area.
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