35°53.616' N 014°42.582' E
35°53'37" N 014°42'35" E
HMS Nasturtium on ensimmäisen maailmansodan aikainen hylky Maltalla. Nasturtium oli brittiläinen vuonna 1915 rakennettu miinanraivaussluuppi. Alus osui miinaan Grand Harbourin edustalla 27. huhtikuuta 1916 illalla ja upposi 28. päivä aamuyöllä. Hylky on noin 81 metriä pitkä ja 68 metrin syvyydellä.
HMS Nasturtium avattiin sukeltajille 1. toukokuuta 2019 – kohde on Heritage Maltan hallinnoima ja hylyn sukeltaminen vaatii erityisluvan. Lue lisää Maltan historiallisten hylkyjen sukeltamisesta.
HMS Nasturtiumin lähellä on kaksi muuta ensimmäisen maailmansodan aikaista hylkyä: HMY Aegusa (syvyys 76 m) ja HMS Russell (115 m) upposivat samaan miinakenttään samana päivänä kuin Nasturtium.
Muita ensimmäisen maailmansodan hylkyjä Maltalla ovat SS Polynesien (syvyys 65 m) ja SS Luciston (105 m).
Lisätietoja sukelluskohteesta HMS Nasturtium
![HMS Nasturtium, aft gun [Steven Galicia] HMS Nasturtium, aft gun [Steven Galicia]](https://images.maltadives.com/uploads/1-4938-542.jpg)
![The crack between midship and stern, with winch [Steven Galicia] The crack between midship and stern, with winch [Steven Galicia]](https://images.maltadives.com/uploads/1-4938-546.jpg)
![HMS Nasturtium, beautiful coral growth [Steven Galicia] HMS Nasturtium, beautiful coral growth [Steven Galicia]](https://images.maltadives.com/uploads/1-4938-533.jpg)
![Below the aft gun, the hull is cracked, you can see inside [Steven Galicia] Below the aft gun, the hull is cracked, you can see inside [Steven Galicia]](https://images.maltadives.com/uploads/1-4938-543.jpg)
![Abundant marine life [Steven Galicia] Abundant marine life [Steven Galicia]](https://images.maltadives.com/uploads/1-4938-544.jpg)
![HMS Nasturtium, the aft gun [Steven Galicia] HMS Nasturtium, the aft gun [Steven Galicia]](https://images.maltadives.com/uploads/1-4938-540.jpg)
![Amazing marine encrustation after 102 years on the seabed [Steven Galicia] Amazing marine encrustation after 102 years on the seabed [Steven Galicia]](https://images.maltadives.com/uploads/1-4938-545.jpg)
![HMS Nasturtium bow section (listed to port) with gun [Steven Galicia] HMS Nasturtium bow section (listed to port) with gun [Steven Galicia]](https://images.maltadives.com/uploads/1-4938-541.jpg)
![HMS Nasturtium, the bow, draped with fishing nets [Steven Galicia] HMS Nasturtium, the bow, draped with fishing nets [Steven Galicia]](https://images.maltadives.com/uploads/1-4938-536.jpg)
![HMS Nasturtium, the stern 4 inch gun [Steven Galicia] HMS Nasturtium, the stern 4 inch gun [Steven Galicia]](https://images.maltadives.com/uploads/1-4938-534.jpg)
![HMS Nasturtium, the forward 4 inch gun, winch and mast [Steven Galicia] HMS Nasturtium, the forward 4 inch gun, winch and mast [Steven Galicia]](https://images.maltadives.com/uploads/1-4938-535.jpg)
Kommentit ja arvostelut
★★★★★ Amazing WW1 wreck that has aged beautifully. Covered with colourful growth. Located quite far offshore but worth the trip.
★★★★★ Absolutely beautiful wreck. https://youtu.be/6GDXper4JiU
Lyhyt osoite: https://maltadives.com/4938